The Musique-Cordiale Trust
The Musique-Cordiale Trust, a charity registered in England, was launched in June 2016. It raises funds to promote education and the arts, including the Musique Cordiale Festival & Academy and Musique-Cordiale in Kent, which were founded in 2005, and other forms of high-quality musical performance and education, through project-funding, small grants & bursaries.
The objects of the Trust are to promote education and the arts. To further these objects, the Trust’s goals include the promotion of European understanding of arts and music, the performance of high-quality music, the promotion of musical and artistic talent and the education of musicians from all over Europe.

The Trust currently has a particular focus on:
helping musicians and singers to participate in opportunities available from conservatoires, academies, schools or tuition, including, in particular those offered via (or in association with) the Musique Cordiale International Festival and Academy or directly organised by the charity itself. Here, assistance will be given to enable musicians and singers to attend to provide teaching or participate in high quality public performances.
supporting young musicians or singers who do not have access to funds for tuition, instruments or related costs of musical education
raising and managing funds to support music academies, conservatoires, courses, festivals and concerts, including supporting music teachers and professional musicians and the organisers of concerts, festivals and learning opportunities provided via public and educational media, with particular emphasis on supporting and sustaining the organisation and administration of the Musique-Cordiale Festival & Academy and its associated musical and educational activities in Britain and Europe
promoting opportunities and vehicles for musical education and promotion and, in particular but not exclusively, the Musique-Cordiale International Festival and Academy

Activities & Public Benefit
The objects stated here indicate most of the activities and benefits envisaged. On application by the association, the Trust may support individual projects or ongoing activities that form part of the Festival or Academy or it may provide bursaries or small grants to support individual musicians, students or teachers. In addition, it may be that the charity will itself organize courses, concerts, recitals, master-classes or educational experiences and/or publish or engage in public promotion of understanding about music and song via multi-media approaches in Britain and Europe. Support for hard-to-fund activities, including the promotion and administration of the organisations that manage such events, courses, concerts and educational outreach are included in the Trust’s remit. Applications that are unrelated to the Musique-Cordiale Festival and Academy but which fit the Trust’s objects, goals and focus are also invited.
A large proportion of the Trust’s charitable income is raised through on-going fund-raising activities associated with the annual Musique Cordiale Festival and Academy, concerts and events in Britain and Europe , including Musique Cordiale in Kent - where most recent events that we could manage or support during the pandemic occurred, mainly out-of-doors in 2020 and 2021 following Covid-19 guidelines. We are proud to have continued to offer music and opportunities to learn, rehearse, play and sing in the summers of both years - and again, gradually more ambitiously again, in 2022 and since).
We have been able to do this through the support of donors, public funding bodies and other charities whom the Trust approaches because they subscribe to its goals. However the pandemic has seriously curtailed our capacity to raise funds or to stage concerts or teaching opportunities. In 2020 we realised that we needed to to the initiative and to arrange alternative events ourselves rather than just supporting course and concerts organised by others. However, we were not able to charge anyone for tickets to the only (outdoor) concert that we did manage to stage in 2020. Meanwhile, most of our regular annual costs continued and the association which we supported to run the Festival did incur costs for organising and then having to cancel the it that year. In 2021, social distancing rules significantly added to our costs and reduced options for ticket-selling.
This all explains our need for "revival" funding. We are proud to have organised and funded some exciting public performances of music again in 2022 - and much more in 2023 and 2024 - and to see money flowing back into the pockets of a few talented musicians after those lean years. The Trust staged and financed a Queen's Jubilee orchestral concert in 2022 and a summer festival week of Musique-Cordiale performances, many open air in Kent. But this investment in people and continuity has seriously sapped our funds. We are glad that it is possible and viable for the full classical music festivals that the Trust supports in Britain and Europe to be successful again in 2023 and 2024 - with associated opportunities., especially for young musicians and singers. But we and they need your support to recoup our funds so that we can continue to contribute to their rising costs. But the autumn & winter of 2024 is when we need your support to provide the funds to enable 2025 to happen!
The Trust is a small charity with limited resources. It distributes and invests its income at the discretion of its trustees in ways that meet its goals and, where possible, the stated intentions of its donors. Follow MENU tabs for further information, including details of the Trust's Grant-giving Criteria and procedures and for how to apply for funds OR how to support or donate to the Trust.

Please Support us!
You can support us in many ways: become a member, Friend or donor or sponsor an event or musician - or host a fund-raising party and invite your friends! Or you can just buy tickets for our concerts
(see EVENTS).
Details and options can be found on our SUPPORT US page or...
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Update: summer 2024
The years 2020-2022, following the emergence of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, proved to be a very difficult and different time for music and musicians and for charities which support and encourage them. The past two years since then have featured a slow and partial recovery. The Trust’s activities were seriously curtailed in those pandemic years but they were not prevented altogether. Its income shrank considerably and has, by the autumn of 2024, not yet recovered. Musique Cordiale managed to be resourceful and responsible and did not give in. It staged festivals and concerts throughout that time but with considerable challenges and the need to relocate for a while from its traditional venues—as well as having (temporarily, we hope) to scale down its ambitions. 2023 & 2024 saw a full revival in activity and demands on the Trust's resources. 2024 has seen the Trust (and its associated French non-profit organisation, L’association Musique-Cordiale), returning to their previous energetic path but so far without the funds to support them as much as needed.
Annual Reports
& Accounts
click to go to our page of Documents and Forms where you can download the most recent 2025 Annual Report & Accounts (income & expenditure and Balance Sheet) as well as application forms for bursaries, our supporter enrolment form or our Gift Aid declaration.

Contact for The Musique Cordiale Trust:
or contact any of our Trustees