Support us !
We welcome donations and grants to support the charity's objectives and criteria. Do contact us if you would like your contribution to be used for a particular purpose within our charitable remit.
(Please see GiftAid* and tax deductibility information below*)
You can even support us FOR FREE at no cost to yourself through Cards for Causes and Give as you Live (click on the links below) or, if you can spare some of your own money, you can DONATE to Musique-Cordiale by becoming a Friend or regular Donor or by making a one-off donation.
Direct Debit: using the buttons for monthly or annual payments
(on the right, below if you are using a mobile device)
Credit/Debit card or PayPal or pay from your bank account via Paylinks
please follow the link to our order & payment page
Cheque or bank transfer / online banking for your one-off donation (any amount will be much appreciated). Please also download and return our Supporter Enrollment Form
Variable direct debit
Please contact us to let us know how much and how often you would like to give
You can also become a Friend or Donor and pay in Euros here (recommended for French taxpayers)
Membership of the association which runs the festival (£30 p.a.) is included if you become a Friend or Donor. The membership element of your payment, which the Trust passes on to the association automatically, is not tax-deductible / GiftAidable* (but regular or one-off donations and the rest of your Friend subscription IS GiftAidable* if you pay income tax in the UK). If you just want to join as a member, or to see the benefits of being a member or Friend, please follow this link: TO BECOME A MEMBER

If you prefer to contribute in EUROS to the French (non-profit) 'Association Musique Cordiale' which manages the Festival & Academy,
please follow this LINK (in English)
Si vous préférez contribuer en EUROS à l'Association française à but non lucratif Musique Cordiale, qui gère le festival et l'académie, veuillez suivre ce LIEN (en français)
Annual direct debit options
Monthly direct debit options
Bank details for online payments:
CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) Bank
Account name The Musique-Cordiale Trust
Account number 00029785
Sort code 40-52-40
IBAN GB98CAFB40524000029785
Reference: please add, e.g., 'Donation' or 'Invoice number', as appropriate, and send us a remittance advice, email or letter so that we can write to thank you!
*Are you a UK tax-payer? Please download and return a simple Gift Aid declaration to help us to make your generosity go further.
monthly plan
£100 p.m.
monthly plan
£ 50 p.m.
monthly plan
£ 25 p.m.
monthly plan
£ 15 p.m.
Or... why not support us and enjoy good music and performance by coming to one of our CONCERTS? ( see EVENTS)
Annual Report & Accounts
Click to see the most recent
Annual Report for 2024 (covering 2022-24)
For all Reports & Accounts for 2016-24,including the new 2024 annual report,
see our Documents page