The Trust's Grant-giving Criteria & Procedures
The objects of the Trust are to promote education and the arts.
To further these objects, the Trust's goals include the promotion of European understanding of arts and music, the performance of high-quality music, the promotion of musical and artistic talent and the education of musicians from all over Europe.
The Trust currently has a particular focus on:
helping musicians and singers to participate in opportunities available from conservatoires, academies, schools or tuition, including, in particular those offered via the Musique Cordiale International Festival and Academy or directly organised by the charity itself. Here, assistance will be given to enable musicians and singers to attend, to provide teaching or to organise or participate in high quality public performances.
supporting young musicians or singers who do not have access to funds for tuition, instruments or related costs of musical education
raising and managing funds to support music academies, conservatoires, courses, festivals and concerts, including supporting music teachers and professional musicians and the organisers of concerts, festivals and learning opportunities provided via public and educational media
promoting opportunities and vehicles for musical education and promotion and, in particular but not exclusively, the year-round development of the Musique-Cordiale International Festival and Academy and Musique Cordiale weekends in Kent
The Trust also plans to organize (or commission the organisation of) courses, concerts, recitals, master-classes and educational experiences and to engage in public promotion of understanding about music and song via multimedia approaches in Britain and Europe. It has a particular emphasis on classical, choral, orchestral and chamber music and the promotion of singing and playing by young people. It also encourages multi-generational musical appreciation and participation in choirs and musical ensembles that enable young musicians and amateurs to learn from older professionals and to share experiences on a pan-European basis.
This includes activities associated with the Musique Cordiale International Festival and Academy to which The Trust intends initially to commit a considerable proportion of its resources.
The trustees invite proposals and applications that fit these objectives, initially for a limited number of:
Programme Grants to provide on-going funding support for organisations managing suitable musical events and courses (with no limit but depending on available funds)
Project Grants, usually to a maximum of £2000 each, from any individual or organisation, including the organisers of the Musique Cordiale Festival and Academy. In addition, it can provide some
Small Grants or Individual Bursaries. Such small grants will not initially exceed £500 each.
What the Trust MAY support
Individuals and organisations based in any member country of the Council of Europe
Programme or project funds
including travel expenses, remuneration of teachers, musicians or conductors, accommodation and catering for participants, hire or purchase of equipment including music scores and instruments, venue hire, payment of royalty rights, advertising and promotion of concerts or events or insurance
Small grants
to individuals wishing to participate in musical and/or educational events or courses, including the Musique Cordiale Festival or Academy, to cover for example, travel expenses, participation fees, loan of instruments or insurance
Projects or features that form part of Musique Cordiale Festival or Academy OR other musical events which meet the goals of the Trust
Retrospective applications. It is possible that the Trustees may, with due explanation and justification, occasionally consider applications that relate to events or activities which have already taken place and for which the applicant is seeking retrospective reimbursement or to compensate for an expense or loss incurred.
What the Trust does NOT support
Organisations or projects which do not meet the Trust’s goals or fall outside its remit or the areas of focus listed above or published by the Trust from time to time
Organisations or individuals based outside a member country of the Council of Europe unless, exceptionally, the application involves participation in or a contribution to an event or project that is bases in a member country
Applications in excess of the maximum amounts, although The Trust may make a partial payment
Core or on-going existential funding for an organization: the Trust can at present ONLY support applications that relate to individual projects or programmes or developments that may be managed by existing organizations, including administrative support, or by individuals who apply for grants
How to apply for funding
Application form / detailed proposal completed and submitted (by hand, post or email) with any relevant supporting documents, accounts, recordings or videos to the Trust to: The Musique-Cordiale Trust, Norfolk Cottage, The Street, Newnham, Kent, ME9 0LL, UK
Applications should normally include relevant evidence of funds or applications for funds from other sources and of management competence/ experience in administering such funds
Approaches to Trustees
Allowed: you are encouraged to approach any Trustee for an initial exploration of possibilities. However applications will not be considered unless formally submitted (as above).
Grant fraud prevention
We will use your personal data to:
Process the application you have made to The Musique-Cordiale Trust
Exercise or defend our legal rights and/or to comply with any legal requirements.
We may also use and disclose your personal information to:
Permit access to your information by any regulatory authority where required by law and to ensure that we are complying with all regulatory requirements when processing your data,
Funding bodies and government organisations which have provided finance and/or support for loan programmes,
Other legal authorities if required by law.
Fraud prevention agencies to prevent fraud and money laundering.
We may keep your information for several years. The Musique-Cordiale Trust will not sell your personal information to third parties. We have a duty to keep the personal information which we hold about you up to date and accurate and secure from misuse or accidental loss or damage.
The Trust operates a rolling programme and does not therefore have application deadlines. Applications can be submitted at any time and the request will be taken to the next available meeting. (Some meetings of the Trustees may be online or on the phone).
Decision-making process
The trustees aim to inform successful applicants within 6 weeks of receipt of their application. If you do not receive any acknowledgement within 6 weeks of submitting your application, you must assume that your application is not successful. The trustees will not discuss reasons for applications being unsuccessful or respond to applications which are outside the Trust’s terms of reference.
Reporting requirements
Beneficiaries will be asked to send a letter of acknowledgement on receipt of the grant for auditing purposes and to submit a final report within a stipulated timeframe.
To whom to apply and to report?
Applications should be submitted by completing the Musique-Cordiale Trust Application Form (available on request from: and should be submitted via email, post or by hand to the Trust administrators. Successful applicants should send reports, as stipulated in their award letter or e-mail via the email address above.
Contact for the Musique Cordiale Trust:

A large proportion of the Trust’s charitable income is (to be) raised through on-going fund-raising activities associated with the annual Musique Cordiale International Festival and Academy, associated concerts and events in Britain and Europe (including Musique Cordiale in Kent) and through the support of donors, public funding bodies and other charities whom it approaches because they subscribe to its goals.
The Trust is a small charity with limited resources. It distributes and invests its income at the discretion of its trustees in ways that meet its goals and, where possible, the stated intentions of its donors.
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Annual Report & Accounts
Click to see the most recent Annual Accounts (income & expenditure) and Balance Sheet (to 30 November 2017) .